It’s really quite interesting. Two bands at the top of my music list right now are both French. One being the Industrial-sludgy duo CROWN and the other being Chrysalide. While Chrysalide’s sophomore album “Don’t Be Scared, It’s About Life” was their first US release that was chocked full of heaviness, noise and chaos. Personal Revolution changes things around a bit for a different direction.

For Personal Revolution they seem to have moved away from the industrial noise found on “Don’t be Scared, It’s About Life”. The chaos is more musical and rhythmic and not just noise on Personal Revolution. The few cases where the noise rears up it’s administered in fits and starts throughout tracks. A big difference with Personal Revolution is Chrysalide has traded that noise for a more Electro/EBM sound that works.

The track “All Demons” is catchy as hell. It is filled with electronic bass drops, digital zaps, electronic snare hits and even some piano. Then there are songs like “Beside the Impossible” which is a slow, steady beat intertwined with slightly harsh vocals and hits of noise. It keeps the slow rhythm throughout the entire track. Then you have songs like “It Gets in the Blood” which is simply subtle ambient noise with talking.

Tracks like “Another Kind of Me” and “We Are Not Cursed” are more harsh and aggressive. Filled with digital sounds, steady beats and a catchy chorus. As throughout the album the vocals are a little harsh and slightly distorted. Fluidly switching gears from singing/talking to screaming and yelling. All while keeping the French accent which works quite well for the vocal style.

Chrysalide is one of those bands that reading about them doesn’t work well. You just need to listen and be absorbed into their music. What I really enjoy about Chrysallide is this; they are one of those bands that understand their “sound” and know how to manipulate it to keep every track interesting. Nothing is redundant on Personal Revolution. If you’re a fan of bands like Skinny Puppy, oHGr or Tear Garden, check out “Personal Revolution”.

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One Reply to “Review: Chrysalide – Personal Revolution”

  1. Hi Michael,

    It’s syco from Chrysalide. Thk u so much for the review of the last album.
    I’m contacting you cause, i’m, behind Chrysalide, also the manager of the label Audiotrauma. I wanted to ask you your email to send you some new promo stuff that you could like 🙂

    thk u

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