Whores Ruiner
Released: December 20th, 2011
Label: Brutal Panda Records (US) & Stressed Sumo Records (UK)

Whores RuinerI would like to talk to you about Whores. No, not those kind of whores. I want to talk about the Atlanta based noise metal band Whores. They’ve released an EP called “Ruiner” and it is noise/doom metal bliss.

Similar in sound to bands like Helmet or The Jesus Lizard, Whores kicks out some heavy, heavy stuff. “Ruiner” is a mind pummeling five songs and is a perfect balance of noise rock and doom metal. With all the tracks you get crunchy guitars shredding your ears. There are pounding drums and heavy bass lines that force you to the ground. Christian Lembach on vocals switches between angry screams and mellow howls with ease. Amidst all the sludge bass lines and screaming vocals though, there are also catchy hooks and melody that grab hold.

The EP itself is also very well produced. No one instrument stands out too much or is buried too far. It is an excellent and well produced balance of musical fury. The only bad thing I can say about “Ruiner” is that it is too damn short. The five tracks come in under twenty minutes. A fine length for an EP sure, but these guys are just too damn good to not want more from them.

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