Kill The Precident – Dialogues With The Dead
Released: August 27th, 2013
Label: Minus Head Records

Kill The Precedent - Dialogues With The DeadIt seems like it’s a tough thing in the music world today to stand out and get noticed. In the Punk and Industrial categories, decent music is even harder to find. Catchy Industrial music is almost unheard of. Once in a while though, a band comes along that does their own thing and actually gets it right. Kill The Precedent is one such band.

Clocking in with seven members, Kill The Precedent’s music is an interesting melding of Punk, Industrial, and Metal with a tiny dash of Electro thrown in. Think SICK OF IT ALL combined with MINISTRY and you kind of get the idea. This combo is what Kill The Precedent’s debut album “Dialogies With The Dead” is packed with.

With so many members it would be very easy for things to become muddled and messy. “Dialogues With The Dead” ventures in no such direction however. All the tracks are well produced and chocked full of multiple layering of chugging guitars, speedy drum hits and loud, aggressive vocals. The vocals are one of the more interesting aspects of the album. Instead of doing the usual yo-yo toss back and forth between the two singers, Kill The Precedent does a great job of overlapping and layering the vocals together. It provides for a subtle and slick sound.

The songs on “Dialogues With The Dead” bounce around from being more Punk like to more Industrial-Metal. Tracks like “Ghost Stories” and “End All” lean towards the Industrial-Metal feel ala older Ministry. They are full of chugging guitars that sit up front, subtle and not-so subtle sampling, pounding drums and throaty, hostile vocals.

Tracks like “Free Reign (Everybody’s Dead)” and “Goodbye Lullaby” lean more towards the Punk side of the spectrum. These tracks have more catchy vocals combined with sluggish, heavy bass lines and more prominent guitars.

I’m not going to say Kill The Precedent has a killer unique sound because they don’t. They haven’t re-inventing anything. What they have done with “Dialogues With The Dead” however is combine the Punk and Industrial sound in an interesting fashion. Providing a sound that fans of both Punk and/or Industrial music will enjoy. Leave it to a Punk-Industrial band to get a chanting chorus of “Hey, hey, hey everybody is dead. Everybody is dead. Hooray” stuck in your brain.


Buy the album:

Dialogues with the Dead [Explicit]
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