To Travel Without Any Certain Destination – To Travel Without Any Certain Destination
Released: June 22nd, 2012
Label: Signifier
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With To Travel Without Any Certain Destination I don’t even know where to begin. And that’s not a bad thing actually. To Travel Without Any Certain Destination (TTWACD) is not an album you casually listen to.

To Travel Without Any Certain Destination is the new project from Manos Chrisovergis. The bio describes it as “taking inspiration from the exploration of urban areas, differing cultures, and the works of various artists and writers, Chrisovergis invokes the concept of psychogeography, inviting the listener to turn a casual exploration of the urban landscape into one filled with meaning and awareness.

Clocking in at over an hour long, the album is filled with ambient sounds, tribal rhythms, electronic noise/glitches and even some guitar elements thrown in. There are complete shifts of beat, sound, rhythm and even overall feel during the tracks. Yet they all work together in a almost eery, dark soundtrack sort of way. With TTWACD you start off in one place on a track but end up somewhere else by the end. All the while you’ll probably ask yourself, “how did I get here?” That probably doesn’t make much sense right now, but listen to the album. You will understand.

To Travel Without Any Certain Destination is a sonic landscape that takes you on a journey. You’ll want to just sit and listen to what is going on with the sounds around you. The bio of TTWACD also says, “[TTWCD] is a full aural experience which challenges the listener to unabashedly cross the threshold from casual observer to full participant.” A worthy description for To Travel Without Any Certain Destination.

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