Dust Bolt – Violent Demolition
Released: August 7th, 2012
Label: Napalm Records
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What’s in a nameā€¦? Sometimes not much, sometimes a lot. Dust Bolt as a name doesn’t really do much. What the hell is a “dust bolt”? Now Dust Bolt as a band, well that’s a very different story.

It seems the “Bay Area” thrash sound has a far reach. Dust Bolt is a thrash metal band from Bavaria who started things off in 2006. After pushing hard and working the touring circuit, getting noticed, Dust Bolt are finally releasing their first full-length album “Violent Demolition“. These guys can play and they keep true to the roots of thrash very well.

The production quality on “Violent Demolition” is excellent, especially for metal and a first release. Dust Bolt’s sound on “Violent Demolition” is clean, not too polished and has a dash of rawness. Channeling the spirit of masters like Slayer and Testament, “Violent Demolition” puts forth some power, aggression, speed and noise. The chugging guitars by Lenny B. and Flo D. sit right up front, melting your ear drums. Lenny B.’s vocals are raw and throaty, but never annoying. The drums are pushed towards the back of the Dust Bolt sound, giving a nice deep thumping balance to the shrieking guitars up front. There’s a lot of riff play that goes back and forth on most of the tracks. About the only thing you really can’t hear on “Violent Demolition” is Bene M. on bass. He’s in there somewhere.

I will say, with confidence, Dust Bolt (while a silly name) can definitely hold their own with the Thrash Metal masters. “Violent Demolition” is a great album. If you’re fan of Thrash, definitely pick up a copy. I look forward to hearing more from these guys in the future.

Check out Dust Bolt on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/dustbolt

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